Theatre SMRT
Presented with support from

What is Theatre SMRT?
Theatre SMRT (Student Mentor Resource Team) pairs students who
excel in technical theatre areas of design, set construction, lights,
and sound with students at participating schools to help those
students grow their individual skills and the theatre program as a
whole. The mentors are not doing the design work, but rather
teaching other students best practices and troubleshooting
techniques to set them up to run their technical
theatre elements independently.
Who can participate?
Students who have participated in the summer CAST
productions in areas of design are eligible to serve as mentors
for participating schools. Each student is assigned an area of focus at the participating school that is an area in which they have experience. Each school could have up to 3 mentors. Participating schools must have an educator or director to oversee the mentorship program and the student involvement. Any school in the tristate area is eligible to participate. There is no cost to the schools and CAST coordinates the management of the mentors.
When does Theatre SMRT begin?
Applications are available NOW for interested schools, educators, and mentors. Once schools are selected and mentors hired, schools and mentors will be notified who is paired with which school. The program lasts the duration of the school year, or the length of the school's theatre season.
What are the anticipated outcomes?
We expect that Theatre-SMRT team members will ultimately report higher self-confidence levels in the following 21st century skills:
Communication skills
Problem solving
Theatre-SMRT Partner School Directors will report improved technical execution in the planning and presenting of productions over the course of the school year and will provide an impact assessment of the consulting team, including anecdotal information on the impact the consultation had on both their own students and the quality of the productions.